聽讀與寫作課程 Reading-aloud and Writing Courses


By combining the theory and practice of English grammar, this course teaches students to express their thoughts clearly and concisely in their written work. Students will also learn to adapt their writing to meet different audiences and purposes as well as develop critical thinking skills.
Course Features:
  • 朗讀文章及閱讀指導
  • 拓展創意思維,提升寫作能力
  • 老師為學生辨析語法錯誤及病句,並提供獨立指導
  • Read-aloud and guided reading
  • Brainstorming and drafting
  • Individual help with grammar and sentence structures
Writing topics:
  • 日記、故事創作、圖片描述、食譜、自我介紹等
  • Diary writing, story writing, picture description, recipes, self-introduction etc.
  • Grades:
  • 1-2 (45mins/lesson)
  • K3 (1hour/lesson)
  • Class size: 3-5
  • Tuition fee: $300/lesson
  • 適合年級:
  • K1-2 (45分鐘/節)
  • K3 (1小時/節)
  • 每班學生人數: 3-5
  • 學費: $300/節


By combining the theory and practice of English grammar, this course teaches students to express their thoughts clearly and concisely in their written work. Students will also learn to adapt their writing to meet different audiences and purposes as well as develop critical thinking skills.
Course Features:
  • 朗讀文章及閱讀指導
  • 拓展創意思維,提升寫作能力
  • 老師為學生辨析語法錯誤及病句,並提供獨立指導
  • Read-aloud and guided reading
  • Brainstorming and drafting
  • Individual help with grammar and sentence structures
Writing topics:
  • 日記、故事創作、圖片描述、食譜、自我介紹等
  • Diary writing, story writing, picture description, recipes, self-introduction etc.
  • Grades:
  • 1-2 (45mins/lesson)
  • K3 (1hour/lesson)
  • Class size: 3-5
  • Tuition fee: $300/lesson
  • 適合年級:
  • K1-2 (45分鐘/節)
  • K3 (1小時/節)
  • 每班學生人數: 3-5
  • 學費: $300/節



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